October Newsletter: The Ultimate Boon
Happy October!
Hurricane Season is in full force here in Florida and two different storms have caused immense damage. Collectively, there was an eclipse on the second. Professionally, I finally requested accommodations for my AuDHD. Personally, I had a loss in the family.
This newsletter is a year of writing these. And they began with The Call is when the unknown begins to beckon the protagonist to leave their comfort zone.
What was my unknown you may ask? Well it’s been creating new courses, finally taking steps to get a new place and being dedicated to these phd applications.
Where am I in this route you may ask? Well, one completed, one in progress and one barely started if I’m honest.
Here’s the thing, even if I’m not where I want to be, I’m continuing to take steps no matter how teeny tiny right. I feel encouraged and loved and supported which is more than I can say for last year this time. I want to be here and I desire things and I have the drive to go get them no matter how small.
What have you achieved recently and how has it emboldened you?
Writing Updates:
Novel Chapters 1, 2, 3 complete. Writing hiatus until 2025, outlining and editing only.
Upcoming Classes: